Cramps, Muscles pain, neuropathic pain, Diabetic neuropathy, Exercise induced muscles pain, Pregnancy induced cramps, Period cramps in women, In opioid withdrawal management.
Crampseal relieves from all type of cramps, It also improves all enzmymatic activity of body, It improves nervous health, it improves oxygen supply to muscles cells. It may improves microcirculation of blood and may helps in revascularization. It helps patient to recover and rehabilitation from opioid and its derivative addiction.
Que: – I am diabetic patient, can I take crampseal?
Ans:- Yes, it has no side effects for diabetic patient but it regulates sugar level of body and also helps to improves diabetes.
Que:- I am heart patient, can I take crampseal?
Ans:- Yes, it improves the heart health.
Que:- I have high blood pressure, can I take Crampseal?
Ans:- Yes, there is no any drug interaction with any of BP’s tablet.
Que:- Any side effect of crampseal ?
Ans:- It is mostly safe for all patients but rarely it has some gastric problems like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. If any one having allergic problem then stop taking medicine immediately.
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